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Friday, September 26, 2008

Japanese Seasonal Beer - Aki aji

In Japan, beer company launches seasonal limited beer aside from standard line up. Those are only sold 1-2month in each season. I've been to a lot of contries, but I haven't seen seasonal one exept in Japan. Does any other country have? If so, please introduce me!

Normally, Seasonal beer is not sold in the bar. So you have to buy it in convenience stores.Why don't you try when you come to Japan?

The beer on the picture is Autumn Limited Beer "Akiaji" which means Autumn taste. If you can tell seasonal limited beer by the picrue on the cans, but if you know kanji of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter you'll never miss.

1 comment:

Dsake said...

Yes it is called Bock Beer and is made in the fall when the vats were to be cleaned. It originated in Germany and many European countries make it as well as Canada. As a matter of fact Pabst used to make it in the 1970s. There are variations now Eisbock or DoppleBock.